• Leadiant Biosciences (Leadiant) is committed to supporting quality healthcare education for healthcare professionals and patients. Funds may only be given to specific types of organizations, which must be reasonably qualified to provide medical and scientific education, including but not limited to:
    • Hospitals
    • Medical centers
    • Medical schools and their affiliated foundations
    • Medical associations & societies
    • Education and patient advocacy organizations
    • Medical education companies
    • Publishers of medical/scientific publications
  • Grants may not be used to fund any of the following activities (including but not limited to):
    • Activities intended to influence the use or prescribing of Leadiant products
    • Non-independent medical education when Leadiant Biosciences controls or influences content or attendees
    • Research or health outcome studies
    • Charitable grants to health-related non-profit organizations for fundraising events
    • Payments to an organization’s general education fund
    • Payments for exhibit space or display fees
    • Payments for promotional educational or compliance services, outcome/utilization studies, data purchase and consulting
    • Payments for normal business operations or expenses
    • Funding may not pay for the travel, lodging, personal expenses, conference registration or other fees for non-faculty attendees to attend independent educational programs or conferences
    • Funding may not support education on general business topics or non-medical or non-scientific topics
  • Educational funding will not be provided to physician groups, medical staff associations, nursing homes, long-term care facilities, political action committees, religious organizations, trade unions, or recreational associations. All grants must comply with applicable company policies as well as legal and regulatory guidelines, which include the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education Guidelines (ACCME), the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Guidance and the PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals.